Arthur Kuggeleyn + Co dance theater

About birds who wants to sing but no tune comes out.

About birds who wants to fly but cannot because they caged.

About birds who free themselves but don't know how to fly.

Cage Birds’s energetic and physically demanding choreography for 12 dancers to Christian Meyer’s hypnotic music. Kuggeleyn uses his trade mark TransDance technique with a high rate of repetitive movements to gradually enfold the inner dynamic of the group of performers. Like caged birds the dancers move in their cramped confines. With his creation Kuggeleyn provides an ironical metaphor of modern life and at the same time an impressively physical dance performance to the audience.

*Comment on Weibo about the Cage Birds show in November:

第三个久闻大名的作品《笼中鸟》Cage birds ,来自于跨界编舞家 Arthur Kuggeleyn。舞台上没有任何「笼」的意象,却在规整重复的节奏里反复上演了禁锢中的极限探踱,汹涌又克制。坐在台下未免被扑面而来的西欧宗教色彩镇住了,演员的神情又那么的像渴望而热烈的林鸮,不愿再周旋于撒旦的掌间,本性、神性、魔性三念相互拉扯,即便不知越过哪条线才是自由之境。直到最后一同望向飞云最远处,肩并着肩,翅膀连成弯刀,划破长空。

The third well-known work "Cage birds" comes from the cross-border choreographer Arthur Kuggeleyn. There is no image of a "cage" on the stage, but the extreme exploration of confinement is repeatedly staged in a regular and repetitive rhythm, which is both turbulent and restrained. Sitting in the audience, one can't help but be overwhelmed by the Western European religious overtones. The actor's expression is so eager and enthusiastic like an owl, unwilling to deal with Satan's palms anymore. The three thoughts of nature, divinity, and devil are intertwined with each other. Pull, even if you don’t know which line you cross to reach freedom. Until the end, we looked at the farthest reaches of Feiyun together, side by side, their wings connected into scimitars, cutting through the sky. (Translated by google)

Choreography             Arthur Kuggeleyn

Music                             Christian Meyer

Light                               Wang Peng

Video-work                   Arthur Kuggeleyn

Dancers                           13 dancers of 

                                           Jin Xing dance theatre

Costumes                        Jin Xing

Production                     Heinz-Gerd Oidtmann,  

                                           Purple Star

Photos                             Yin Xue Feng & others

Premiere                         10 October 2013    

                                          Shanghai Oriental Art Center

  © Arthur Kuggeleyn / Schloss Bröllin / 17309 Bröllin / Germany